Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Flat Christian gets a wardrobe

So, my nephew Cam, who lives in the greater DC area, has a school project going on where they sent "flat" dolls to family and friends. They read the Flat Stanley book and decorated flat dolls of their own. I had volunteered to do some fun things with "Flat Cam". Unfortunately, we received "Flat Christian". We have no idea if this was intentional, but we are trying to make the most of "Flat Christian's" visit. So far, we have taken "Flat Christian" on a bike ride to Grandma and Grandpa's house and to Redamak's in New Buffalo. We have big plans to take him to Barnaby's, Notre Dame, the Studebaker Museum, the College Football Hall of Fame and the South Bend Chocolate Factory. Today, the kids spent part of their spring break creating outfits for "Flat Christian" to wear. Of course, they all center around Notre Dame (i.e., football outfits with helmets, leprechauns and ND Fans). Geta did make a token Gymnast, but "Flat Christian" didn't seem to care much for it! "Flat Christian" will be visiting Aunt Susi at work later in the week and then is off to Las Vegas with Uncle Timmy and Aunt Aimee next week. It has been lots of fun having him visit us.

We have enjoyed Flat Christian, but missed having Flat Cam!

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